Doctorate (PhD)
Information for students from foreign countries who want to obtain a doctorate or enroll for a PhD programme in Germany in Sport Science
The German word for a doctorate and for the process that leads to this degree is "Promotion". Doctoral students (in German: "Promovierende" or "Doktoranden") earn a doctorate by producing a written research paper (dissertation or thesis) under supervision by a university professor and by defending their paper in an oral exam called "Rigorosum" or "Disputation", very similar to a viva (voce).
To gain a doctorate, candidates generally have to prove that they hold an academic degree (such as M.A., diploma).
Many universities offer graduate schools or graduate colleges ("Graduiertenkollegs") or even whole doctoral programmes to promote the qualifications of their doctoral students and candidates.
Please note that the German Society of Sport Science (dvs) is not able to organize contacts to universities or scientists for foreign students who want to obtain a doctorate or enroll for a PhD programme in Germany. We are sorry that we cannot give any further support except for these websites.
For general information please contact
For special information on PhD-studies at a certain university please contact
- the International Office ("Akademisches Auslandsamt") for all academic affairs for foreign students
at the university (or universities) you want to study at/obtain a doctorate. You will find an overview of all universities in Germany offering a doctorate in Sport/Sport Science (incl. doctoral regulations with admissions procedure etc.) here.